The association representing home carers says we cannot afford not to invest in the service.
A new Irish government report recommends that there should be a statutory entitlement to home care with one in five people expected to need it by 2031.
Demand for Home Care in Dublin is outstripping supply and investment is needed to provide professional services with a living wage for Carers.
Carers have welcomed the report but say they need more funding as the state spent around three times as much on nursing home care last year.
Catherine Cox from Family Carers Ireland says this funding also has to cover related services.
"If somebody - a family carer- is providing care in the home, [there needs to be] a respite provision for the carer to have a break and for the cared for person to either avail of respite in a residential centre or in their home.
"We also would like to see therapy - vital therapies like speech and language, physiotherapy - included also in home care, as well as housing needs.
"So really what we're saying is we need a holistic definition of home care."