ALONE, a charity that assists people as they age at home, has recommended that older individuals engage with their local community to combat loneliness. According to a survey conducted by ALONE, one in five people reported that they hadn't been out socially in six months. With the Easter festivities approaching, ALONE is encouraging older people to re-engage with their communities. This is very important advice for people receiving homecare to remain active and connected in their community.
CEO of ALONE, Sean Moynihan, has acknowledged that the winter of 2022 was a difficult time for many elderly individuals, leading to a loss of confidence and anxiety for some. However, Moynihan has called on older people to reach out to others and build up their confidence by engaging with ALONE or other support services. A simple act of kindness can go a long way in combating the sense of isolation and loneliness that many pensioners feel.
Despite the government's commitment to developing an Action Plan to combat loneliness, the work has yet to begin. ALONE is urging the Department of Health to allocate resources and expedite work on the action plan to combat loneliness among all age groups.
ALONE's National Support and Referral Line is available daily from 8am to 8pm and can be reached at 0818 222 024. ALONE believes that allocating a similar level of energy to tackle loneliness as was allocated to promoting caution during the pandemic is crucial.